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Auslogics AntiMalware 2017 1.10.0

Auslogics AntiMalware 2017 1.10.0  3718 

Auslogics Anti-Malware is an innovative security solution that helps eliminate threats your antivirus may miss and keeps your sensitive data safe from unauthorized access. Easy to use, light on system resources and with flexible auto-scan options, this tool is designed to provide multi-faceted protection and give you the peace of mind you want. Your chances of becoming an ID theft victim instantly drop once you install this powerful shield.

NANO AntiVirus

NANO AntiVirus 免费版 3717 

NANO AntiVirus is a powerful and advanced application designed to provide you with security levels that conform to actual threats. The product is very useful. The resource optimization usage ensures the comfortable user's work. Protection of your computer from any type of viruses, trojans and worms including their encrypted and polymorphous variations.

Gateway Antivirus EH-1.3.6

Gateway Antivirus EH-1.3.6  3717 

CG Gateway Antivirus allows you to block malware at the gateway before they can enter into your network. The antivirus signature base is updated 48 times per day.

AVG File Server Edition 2016

AVG File Server Edition 2016  3715 

AVG File Server Edition gives you complete control over your files while keeping out online threats and maintaining peak Windows server performance. It won't slow your business down. It helps stop, remove and prevent the spreading of viruses, worms or trojans, detects and removes rootkits and keeps your identity safe. AVG Remote Administration enables you to stay in control no matter where you are. Our Support team is available by phone.

Security Release ISO Image February 2014 KB913086

Security Release ISO Image February 2014 KB913086 免费版 3715 

This DVD5 ISO image is intended for administrators that need to download multiple individual language versions of each security update and that do not use an automated solution such as Windows Server Update Services (WSUS). You can use this ISO image to download multiple updates in all languages at the same time.

ITL Total Security

ITL Total Security  3713 

ITL Total Security is a complete protection utility which consists of several features to protect your PC and keep you safe at all times. ITL Total Security offers an easy-to-use interface to manage the security of your system. Manage your scans and get detailed results of all your scans.

Advanced Antimalware Pro 1.0

Advanced Antimalware Pro 1.0  3713 

Advanced Antimalware Pro is one of the best antimalware software that is specially designed to give users complete protection against all types of malware,spyware and virus threats. This highly effective antimalware has several features such as powerful real time protection, anti-tracking browser protection and proactive privacy protection. Being light and easy-to-use further makes it a smart choice to safeguard PC and other computing devices.

Kaspersky Rescue Disk

Kaspersky Rescue Disk 免费版 3712 

A Rescue Disk is a disk for scanning and disinfection of infected PCs. A Rescue Disk should be used in case of an infection that cannot be cured by means of antivirus software or disinfection utilities (for example, Kaspersky AVPTool) running under operating system control. Antiviral treatment is more effective in this case, because the malware which infected the system cannot not gain control in the process of operating system s ...

TrustPort Antivirus for Small Business Server 2015

TrustPort Antivirus for Small Business Server 2015  3712 

Maximum security for individual workstations and servers, as well as at the entry point of your network. Protects your computer data against cyber crime, whilst freeing you from spam. Allows you to remotely deploy security software on workstations with advanced central administration.

Security Release ISO Image January 2013 KB913086

Security Release ISO Image January 2013 KB913086 免费版 3712 

This DVD5 ISO image is intended for administrators that need to download multiple individual language versions of each security update and that do not use an automated solution such as Windows Server Update Services (WSUS). You can use this ISO image to download multiple updates in all languages at the same time.

USB 1.5b

USB 1.5b 免费版 3711 

USB is a handy program designed to prevent autorun viruses computer infections. The program is loaded into the system memory and when a new removable device is dedected it automatically renames autorun.inf files on new device into autorun.inf_current date_time, and set to it attribute "normal", making it visible for system. Thus preventing the infection.

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最佳应用服务 防病毒软件 从编辑

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

卡巴斯基反病毒保护您免受网络钓鱼和恶意软件的网站,否则,你不会知道试图偷你。同时,卡巴斯基安全网络允许您报告的计算机,当它发现了一种威胁前, 不见踪影。2 亿 5000 万的所有卡巴斯基用户都受益于我们结合知识 !卡巴斯基的功能包括: 保护从病毒、 木马、 蠕虫、 间谍软件、 广告软件扫描文件、…