Pcprox RFID 读取器读取 RFID/HID 卡 ID 使用 pcProx USB 读者的免费工具。PcProx…
软件的想法建模者是 UML 关系图和一些其他关系图的创建轻量级和功能强大的工具。它支持所有…
软件的想法建模者 x 64 可以显示网格和捕捉到它。它支持各种类型的自动对齐图元素。可以缩放关系图。那里还执行撤消和重做和工作与剪贴板功能标准。该工具提供支持,为源代码生成…
This fast and easy-to-use product allows you to write down your thoughts…
Cubase Elements is your personal music studio, incorporating professional…
Sound Mill is a sound effects player, manager, and automation tool that…
Reason is a virtual studio rack with all the tools and instruments you…
Record your ideas in real time, mix synth layers with samples, compose…
Create awesome chord progressions and melodies MelodyBuilder allows you…
Tools to help you compose and write your own music intuitively, for the…